Dave Yurko is the Public Works Superintendent for the Town of DeMotte. He can be reached at (219) 987-5350.
Northwest Jasper Regional District (NORWEJ)
Water Department
Public Works Superintendent, Dave Yurko
NORWEJ Water Department operates two state-of-the-art water treatment plants to ensure a reliable supply of clean water for our community. Plant 1 is powered by two wells with a combined pumping capacity of 650 gallons per minute (GPM), while Plant 2 utilizes three wells, collectively producing 500 GPM. Together, these facilities provide efficient and sustainable water treatment to meet the needs of our residents and businesses.
Water Department
Public Works Superintendent, Dave Yurko
NORWEJ Water Department operates two state-of-the-art water treatment plants to ensure a reliable supply of clean water for our community. Plant 1 is powered by two wells with a combined pumping capacity of 650 gallons per minute (GPM), while Plant 2 utilizes three wells, collectively producing 500 GPM. Together, these facilities provide efficient and sustainable water treatment to meet the needs of our residents and businesses.
The Town has two water towers in service.
NORWEJ has a Wellhead Protection Plan on file at the Clerk’s Office.
Street Superintendent, Mike Orsburn
The DeMotte Street Department maintains the streets, alleys and storm drains to provide for safe and orderly travel within the city right-of-way for DeMotte pedestrians and vehicular traffic. We strive to provide the community with the best service available, within both budgetary and environmental limitations.
The following services are provided seasonally:
Branch pickup is offered in the spring and fall, typically once a month. Brush should be placed on the owner’s property next to the curb. Tree trunks will not be taken, nor will trees be professionally removed.
Street sweeping occurs in the warm months as a means of keeping debris from clogging the storm sewers.
Leaf pickup occurs in the spring and fall while leaves are falling from the trees. No specific dates are set for leaf removal, but it will begin when a large number of leaves start to fall and will continue until the majority of leaves are picked up or snow interferes. Leaf pickup starts at one end of town and moves from one end to the other and back again.
Snow removal occurs in the winter. A snow route is enforced for parking on main roads. Snow is cleared from the main thoroughfares first and then through streets. Alleys are plowed last.
Utility bills can be paid at DeMotte State Bank, or with credit/debit cards online. To pay online, visit www.invoicecloud.com, There is an additional processing fee to the customer for this service, and your account number is required to process payment. Automatic payments can be set up by submitting a completed ACH authorization form to the utility clerk at anemcevic@townofdemotte.com
Utility bills must be paid by the 15th of every month to avoid late charges.
For more information, contact Amanda Engblom the utility clerk at (219) 987-3831
Notice: Doxo is not an approved vendor for the Town of DeMotte, and we have no affiliation with them. While they may process utility bills for some customers, the Town has no agreement with Doxo and cannot oversee their payment submission processes. For secure and official payments, please use our authorized portal at InvoiceCloud.
Utility Forms
- Auto Pay Application
- Auto Pay Cancelation Request
- Exit Form
- Landlord agreement
- New Residential Owner
- New Commercial Owner
- Residential Water Agreement
- Commercial Water Agreement
- Stop Trash Request
You may receive up to (3) three mailings a year offering insurance on your water and sewer lines. This insurance program is completely voluntary and the town receives no financial consideration. You may elect to buy protection for your water and sewer lines from the street to the home, and also one that covers plumbing inside the home.
The cost on these type of repairs, is always the responsibility of the homeowner.
If you wish to participate please contact their customer service number at 800-922-9006 or online at https://www.slwofa.com/
No town employees are involved in these transactions or conversations.